Monday, December 10, 2007

Metal no more!

Obviously this is not my jaw, but many people have asked what exactly my jaw surgery was all about. The procedure, which I had done in the spring of '04, involved a removal of a section of bone along the line where you see the plates and screws in this image. I won't go into the details but let's just say that the reason why I had so much hardware is because they had to basically saw off my jaw, remove a portion and put it back together. Thank goodness I never let myself view any images or videos online prior to the procedure! I actually had double the amount of hardware (4 plates, 16 screws) than this fine model has, but you get the idea. I had the left hand side of the screws and plates out a year ago and the right side out today. SO glad it's done. And no hardware left in my wrist or my jaw (but I have a big collection of metal now!) The nurse said to me that when I was going under anesthesia I said, "You know, I don't know if I trust you guys with all this slicing and dicing!" ha ha

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