Monday, January 21, 2008

Updates and whatnot

So the arm is healing up nicely and the stitches come out on Thursday if all goes well. I would be happy to share pictures, tho I don't think it's something most of you want to see. It's really a bit gruesome and a much larger incision than I had thought it would be. The biggest hassle has been the stupid sling that totally threw off my back and neck. It's one thing to have a bum arm, but then to have a tweaked neck and shoulder on the opposite side on top of it all... ugh! I'm still out of commission when it comes to riding, and I'm not supposed to be doing much typing, which is a bit of a problem given my profession...!

Speaking of profession, I had a meeting up at the paper today and there may be some new projects ahead for me, so that would be exciting. Fingers crossed, please! I also finished up a big copywriting job for BBD and StrideRite, which has been a lot of fun. Life has been so much more enjoyable now that my scheduled has lightened up with CA. I'd forgotten what it was like to have a weekend. It was a long wait but well worth it.

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