Friday, September 28, 2007

Free show, lane 6

Here's a good embarrassing story. When I broke my wrist 2 years ago, I stopped swimming at the gym. Makes sense, right? Well, now that I'm at a new gym with a bigger pool, I dediced it was time to take the plunge (literally.) So off I went. I had an enjoyable time, swimming my laps, getting a good workout, soaking in the hot tub afterwards. Oh yes, and admiring the cute old ladies doing their water aerobics class (I know that will be me in 35 years, so I might as well start learning the moves now.) Anyhow, I was a little annoyed because my suit felt awfully large and baggy in weird places. And let's face it -- it's not because I shrunk. So I go home, shower, change, hang the suit to dry. Well, I'm getting ready for bed and go to move the suit. And I notice it feels kind of gritty -- definitely not shiny and slippery like swimsuits -- especially those made for exercise -- are supposed to feel. So I hold it up to investigate and notice that the entire back is basically sheer like a tissue. You know how stuff loses its elacticity if you don't wear it for a long time? Well, say hello my suit. I think the shock of usage and chlorine was simply too much and it fell to pieces! Thankfully it's black but still, I DID walk around in the pool area. And like me, all the other swimmers wear goggles so if they happened to look into lane 6, they must have received a nice show! Guess who's going shopping this weekend?


Anonymous said...

thats awesome

Anonymous said...

this kind of stuff only happens to you!

Anonymous said...

Have you learned nothing? Bathingsuits are satan's garment.